Tuesday, May 10, 2011

she doesn't take kindly to other bitches

Okay, where do I start?
I wish there was a device like....a phone for dogs.
I have no idea what their point is or if they're getting or receiving any information but our two dogs and other "neighbours'" dogs are barking like mad dogs. I swear, I didn't even know there were so many people (with dogs) living around us. It's only in the evening when the dogs start barking that you know how many families there are. There's like about 7 dogs barking. Seriosuly, why the fuck bark/communicate when you don't do it for sharing information or just... having a good time. As much as I know dogs understand each other by the sound of their... noise. So, why the fuck bark the same way for like two hous? I'm telling you dogs are stupid when they have to bark in the same tone for two hours to get their point across.

Oh and tonight is the first night that the gnats are out. God, I haven't been bitten by one in years! That was one of the good things about Ireland, no gnats.
Yeah I will be mowing the lawn tomorrow. Can't wait. I hope I can get the lawn mower working. Anything with an engine is not my friend.
Oh and we're still giving away one of our dogs. It's female. Today my mum got a phone call off some man who asked, "Are you still giving away the bitch?" and said, "I gotta talk to my wife about getting a dog cause she doesn't take kindly to other bitches". Fucking weird!
Oh and the internet has been really slow today. Boo!

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