Thursday, June 16, 2011

I can torture and scare him

So we're planning on catching the neighbour boy in the act.
We discovered my mother's man's syrup was gone and while the parents were working and I was in Tartu my brother went swimming and didn't lock the door cause he couldn't find a key and we have a feeling the neighbour boy has been in again.
So tomorrow, the parents will be at work and my brother will go and hang out with the boy and tell him he needs to go to the shop cause he was left home alone and has to buy food. And then he'll ride off.
And hopefully the kid will come in and I'll catch him. Oh god if I do!
My mother told me to go straight over to his mother and make a scene but I'll just keep the boy in our house and won't let him leave til my mother gets home and gives him a bollocking.
That way I can torture  and scare him and make him wait for even bigger giving out than I'm gonna give him.

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