Friday, June 17, 2011

some things that some people experience mentally, I go through physically

Oh dear. Yesterday was such a drama day.
First the whole familylooked for my mother's man's syrup and never found it. Then we started planning the payback to the neighbour boy for stealing.
Then we couldn't find the key to the sauna/garage (they're the same building). Then the whole family was looking for the key. I worried I might have left the thing somewhere myself cause I went to sauna in the morning to find a cap. But it turned out my brother had left it upstairs.
He just doesn't know how to lie. At first he said he hasn't been to the garage but if he did go there he'd leave the key in our house. Then he said he cannot remember whether he's been in the garage or not. Then he said he just opened the door and then locked it but he didn't go to the garage (the point wasn't really about using the garage, it was about whether he touched the key). And then he proceeded to say contradictive things. Anyway, I was glad I hadn't lost or misplaced the key.

Yeah, so I went to Tartu yesterday. And I guess I had known it all along but never really acknowledged it - some things that some people experience mentally and emotionally, I go through physically. So basically, any emotion I feel, it shows physically, mostly through my stomach and nausea.

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