Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm so not ready for it health wise

Oh no. I got a bit giddy when texting my ex-boyfriend. Hopefully it doesn't mean I still have feelings for him. Cause... he's all like... living in Ireland and shit. I haven't really thought about him that much but just today I remembered when he was sick and at his mother's place and when I got off the phone when he told me he wasn't gonna come... home home, to me like... I remember how right after hanging up I ran to the shop to buy orange juice and strawberry yoghurt for him cause that's what he eats/drinks when he's sick. And he's just told me he's moved to another town and I asked him if some girl was the reason. Gahhhh, I hope not. And damn my anxiety. If I didn't have it I'd ask him to come over and we could travel all around Estonia and... fuck.
I dunno what boyfriend sex I'm after. I just told my psychologist I can jump anything that's alive and I'm fine with it. And I really am. Ugh, hopefully this doesn't mean I want a bf cause I'm so not ready for it health wise.

Yeah and hopefully my forum break lasts. Just have to finish the pink dream, or disaster.


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