Sunday, July 24, 2011 feels so good to be a woman.... Puts a smile on my face!

So today has been the day I'm made even more sure about my beliefs.
I was so appalled with my mother when she said men are smarter than women. Oh god, I can't even pretend like I didn't hear it. Her argument was that men can build houses but also do the dishes. Er.... right. I'm sure men are born with the natural ability and skill to build enormous houses with crazy ass layouts and wiring and shit and women's only skill is scraping a couple of crumbs off of a little platter she made out of play dough (which was so cleverly chemically put together by genius men and made into a shape of a ball so the little minded of the species could just flatten the thing between her hands to make a plate).
Okay, my mother has done and said everything I don't believe in and she totally defies anything womanly on this planet.
She also made out that having depression and anxiety means the person is stupid, not sick. Or basically anyone who ever has any diseases/illnesses/disorders is stupid. Well, all of the odds are against her anyway. I think it's gotta say something that her only two children have emotional and mental problems. My disorders are something that developed in my childhood, plus my brother is only 11 and has been to the madhouse already and has taken pills (which by my mother's words is my fault, all of it).
The only thing men have more than women is testosterone and therefor aggression which has made men "successful". Isn't there like a saying or such "It doesn't matter where to, how far or when you get to the place, it's how you get there"? And men's only way is violence. And my mother calls it clever?!
Yeah and then my mother's man piped in, but he's a man so I can't even remember what he said, it all sounded like mindless blabber and gibberish to me.
Oh and a while ago when the family friend was over, the subject came up again and he and my mother's man said "women brought evil into the world". And I said "Yes, they gave birth to a man". And then my mother's man started going on about the egg and the chicken theory to own me but no man can ever own me. I believe that almost everything else in the world (excluding men and women then) cannot be separated from each other. Like, how everything came to be. I don't believe there was male and female. It could have been one thing that developed and evolved or a lot more things mashed up together, like a coincidence.
And my opinion is correct cause I feel it and believe it which makes everyone else's opinion invalid to me.

Ugh, I cannot wait to see my doctor and tell her all about it. Oh and my mother is always going on about how not to tell the doctor about our family life. Erm, why not?! Don't fucking do shit that you don't believe in and are embarrassed about them later on. Plus, I will not bring it up or throw it in mymother's face but I know how she truly feels. A while ago her and her man had an argument (my mother had drank a bit and everything came out). She said she doesn't regret anything and everything came out that she had bottled up for... a long time. I was inside, upstairs and they were out, I had my window open and I could hear every word she said. And she said I had been and am right about men and other stuff aswell. Bitch, I know I am right. I'm woman. And since my mother defies everything womanly, she is in the wrong, like all men. feels so good to be a woman.... Puts a smile on my face!

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