Thursday, July 07, 2011

so many little images and they're all wrong many little images and they're all wrong! I swear I have created about a thousand images for my forum's new look. Only about....a little over 200 will be used though. Ugh, my head will explode if I have to do this one more day.

Other than that, went swimming twice today. Even my mother's man swam. And well, my brother didn't. He just stands in the water or outside the water and complains, making up excuses why he cannot swim. And then when everyone else is done and ready to go home he decides to go in the water. This kid!
I swear I care for him but he is really mouthy and hard to get along with. Mum says he's hitting puberty.

Oh and I bought a new Sims game - Generations. Will see how it fucks up my game. :D

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