Friday, July 08, 2011

You fucking shine through it all!

Woah! What's happened on blogger?!
Will take some time to get used to it.

Anyway, just wanted to post something. Today, I appreciate being a sister, having brothers and not being the only child.
That's the positive thing.

The bad thing is... I hate it when people tell me I've lost my "shine" or that I'm "not what I used to be at all". Okay, I'm sick, I get it. You wouldn't go up to a person who's had chemo therapy and go "wow, you don't look like you at all now that you're hair has fallen out" or "you look so sick and different".
Like, today I showed my mother videos and pics of the time when I lived in Ireland and she kept going on about how I had "such positive aura" back then and how I've lost it.

Well, fuck! You try to be positive when you are literally a prisoner in your own body that you don't know how to fix. When all minute everyday things become like the fucking grandest obstacles in your life. And I'm not even gonna talk about your damn dreams, career, education, relationships. You fucking shine through it all! I don't fucking have to please anyone nor do I have to listen to this positive aura crap!

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