Friday, July 08, 2011

Saving Donna

So today turned pretty horrible. Sort of.
Went swimming with the whole family and our three dogs.
The place we went to has this deck. It's like... made of planks and they have gaps inbetween them. So what happened was that our dog Donna slipped and one of her hind legs went inbetween two planks, into the gap. The front of her slipped into water, off the deck. The sight of it was horrifying! Plus she was whimpering really badly. So the sound of it wasn't the nicest thing to witness either.
She was in this really awkward position flapping her front legs all over to place to find some balance.
My mother was sitting on the deckat the time, my brother was standing by, mother's man was far in the water and I was in the water, near the deck.
Everything happened really quickly but I was the closest to her to push her out the water, the front of her, or give her balance.
So I tried pushing her up and back on the deck but she was so heavy and panicky. My mother on the other sice, on the deck, was pulling her back. And at one point I know I pulled her leg out.
While I was trying to keep the front of her up I fell quite a few times.
The bottom of the water, lake wasn't sandy or anything, at the shore there are these horrible big stones underwater and they're so slippery.
And since everything happened so quickly and I rushed over to Donna and fell several times when trying to hold her up, I hurt my legs pretty bad.
There isn't that much blood but my knee is swollen and it doesn't show in the pic but near the little scar on my right leg there is a long red scrape up and down my leg. Plus two of my toes were bleeding and have an open scar under my left foot and a big bruise.
Luckily Donna seems to be okay. She stopped yelping as soon as she got her leg out of the gap.
It was horrible anyway. I totally thought she was gonna break her leg. She isn't limping or anything and the leg doesn't seem to bother her at all.
The whole thing was enough to set off my anxiety though. Just the sight of her in that awkward position and the whimpering. Ughhhhhhh, so horrible. My mother was scared that Donna might bite me when I went to push her up/on the deck cause she was really panicky.
Yeah so that was the end of the beautiful swimming day. My knee was bleeding quite a bit at first and I thought I might need stitching but the scar itself isn't that deep but the blow itself was bad.
The mother said this will make me and Donna closer so... I guess that's a good thing :)

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