Friday, September 02, 2011

Bum Palace

So, I went to the orientation thingy today. The college orientation. I wasn't there til the very end cause I was worried about getting back. Thought I'd be too tired by the end of it all. So I left pretty soon after it started.
I did take Valium drops but I was calm enough. Although the rooms were very stuffy and warm so I sneaked out a couple of time for fresh air.
When I had the test to get into college I met this girl and todayI found out we're on the same course. Her name's Kelli.
I also got a place in the dorm. Well... the place looks very much like prison or something like it. Very... minimalistic and gross. But I'm gonna have to live there. Should move there on Monday and I'll definitely post pics of that Bum Palace.
And I continue to be worried about my anxiety. Please, please, please, let me study!

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