Tuesday, May 29, 2012

change of plans again

Ahh, change of plans again. So I wanted to get an apartment with a friend. That failed. Wanted to get a flat for myself. And now I'm making plans to move in with my mother's friend. I hope this will happen cause it might be a bit boring living alone.
And I have a date for Thursday.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Glee Goodbye review

Okay, the teacher's song was boring.

Oh god, not The Notebook reference. I hated that film!

That Burt scene was so unnecessary.

Thank goddess, Kurt's song was nice.

Wow, wow, wow, I was totally on the edge of my seat here throughout the car scene with Finn and Rachel. Didn't see that coming. Who's writing this shit?! It's been major crap for three years and now they have this good scene in the final episode?

Monday, May 21, 2012

without major anxiety

Today, so far, has been a great day. I managed to go to the shop without major anxiety. Woohoo. Think the girl I'm working with is a good influence on me. :) Plus, I will take a smaller dosage of Mirtazapin from here on out.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I drove a car!

I drove a car! Well, I was in charge of the pedals and my mother's man steered.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Glee Nationals review

Wow, what a long umber it was. Wasn't half bad.

Gahhhh, why is Lindsay Lohan everywhere she doesn't belong!?

Vocal Adrenalin's performance was so much better. And it ended. Wasn't the worst.

Glee Props review

I'm totally cool with Tina being forgotten cause nobody really wants to see the Sasquatch.

Well the song that Rachel sang was boring as hell. Luckily the lyrics were good.

Hahahahaaaaaa at the fit TINA COHEN CHANG had :D Ahahahaaaaa
God she is ugly when she has her angry face on!

Niiiice! Lea looks hot in this emo get-up.
Oh god what a boring version of the song Tina sang!

Ooooh, what's that?! A meaningful scene on Glee? Liked that Beaste said she was gonna love herself.

Damn, I had forgotten how good of a singer Mark Salling is.

All in all, it was a rather good episode and I didn't even cringe as much as I thought I would cause of the Sasquatch. She was a little likable.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Oh life

As Des'ree has sung-  "Sometimes living out your dreams, ain't as easy as it seems". How true!
I want to be independant and I am, almost. I want a gardening job and I have one. And they're both accompanied by anxiety. I wanna study at a university and I have all the chances, yet my anxiety won't let me. Okay maybe those things are quite big and important then... I wanna go shopping, there's the shop and I have anxiety about that too. I wanna go jogging, there's the road and I can't cause of my anxiety. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's so annoying.

Glee Prom-asaurus review

How do people review the show's story lines? What's there to review anyway? That's why I only talk about scenes.
Lea and Darren sound really good together.

Well, I like Heather Morris as an artist but the Dinosaur number was a little weird. Couldn't they really pick a bit more normal theme for prom?

Well well, can Naya Rivera do no wrong?

Ahahahahahaaa.... this probably wasn't meant to be funny but when Finn and Rachel kissed in the hotel room, Puck made me laugh out loud, the way he looked at the kissers and so casually ate crisps.

I didn't like WMYB in the clip that was aired before the episode but I actually enjoyed it in he show. The coreography was quite cool :) This boyband thing really grew on me.

I don't understand why a gay man was voted for prom queen and why a lesbian is nominated for prom king. Can't a woman be a woman and a man be a man with them both liking the same sex?

Take My Breath Away was the best part of the episode.

Monday, May 07, 2012

a little logic would do

So I apparently ate my flatmates coco puffs or whatevers. The things were all dried up in the packet so.. a little logic would do. Ah well, I don't have to worry about such things soon anyway. My plan to move in with a friend failed cause she wants to move in with her boyfriend instead but I'm getting a place for myself anyway. I just need a smaller room and cheaper rent. I don't understand why everyone has a boyfriend or a child anyway. Where's the rush people!? Why don't I have a single childless friend to move in with?!

Friday, May 04, 2012

Jälle vaatad seda meest!

Hahaha.. was looking at pics of Kevin McHale. Little brother came over and said, "Jälle vaatad seda meest! Meeldib sulle jah?"
Ahh..it makes me so happy my brother knows I fancy him.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

it'd be fun

So I might be moving in with my friend. I hope I do cause it'd be fun.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

get over it

oh come on! It's just Glee. People need to get over it.

so out of tune I can't tune

Ughhh, my violin's so out of tune I can't tune it!

Life has been okay for the last few weeks. I'm expecting a call from hospital any day now. They will aske me to go to hospital but I won't go. I just don't wanna. I might be a lot better when I get out but I hate getting used to new surroundings and shit.

Work is okay but a little boring. Hopefully I'll last til september.
Yeah...there really isn't much to talk about... Oh I'm sort of crushing on one of my coworkers.:D

Glee Choke review

Hahahahaaaa, oh how funny did the Sasquatch look with that curly hair!?

Wahhhhhh, my eyes!! I saw Sasquatch's butt!!

Why in the world do teachers in America share their personal life with pupils!?

The girls' song was the best part of the episode, also Puck scenes cause he's been in the background for too long.