Monday, July 02, 2012

Good girl, well done!

Woah, today has been pretty busy. First, I had to ride to town from the mother's place. And it so conviniently started to rain and I got soaking wet. Utterly saturated! Then I had to bike to the other end of the town to see a doctor. I got a shot in my arm last Thursday and had to go back today to get it looked at. It was some tuberculosis shot.
Then I totally broke my trousers cause I don't have the cover on my bike that covers the gears and the chain. So I went to a bicycle shop to get that. Had to bike back and forth to get money for that. Then I finally got home. Ate some (oh I nearly fainted at the shop when buying food. Cause of my anxiety and shit). And then I had to bike to work. I only worked for an hour and a half cause I missed most of my work day biking.
And when I thought everything, all the biking, was done my internet stick broke. I wasn't gonna wait til tomorrow to get it. And yes, I rode my bike to the shop to get a new one. Cost me 37 euros. now I'm tired with aching legs. But eventhough I almost fainted I'm pretty proud of myself for going out in public with my disorder. Good girl, well done!

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