Wednesday, August 01, 2012

no bitch can bitch

Well, I got my first bollocking in my new appartment. Guess for what! Windows!
What is up with people wanting the windows closed!? Like the old lady said nobody in Tartu has their windows open like me. Seriously, I just don't give a fuck how others have their windows, mine are supposed to be open. I like fresh air in my room.
She was saying how she continuously has asked me to close the window. Well, fuck, I continuously open my window cause I want it open. Why in the world is her wish more important than mine. I understand it's her apartment but it's my room, I'm paying for it.
Seriously when I have my own house or apartment one day I'm not building any windows in, I'll just have holes in walls so no bitch can bitch.

On another note, I might go to my classmate's funeral on Saturday. I found out today that I was in the same class with him, not for "quite a few years", but all of the 12 years. I just didn't remember it at first. Gah, it'd be my first funeral. I'll pack a pack of tissues just in case, although I think I won't be inside the crematory long enough to get emotional, my anxiety will kick in first. Ahh, nerve wrecking.

Annnnd, I'm looking for a new job since the one I have now is seasonal, til the end of September.

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