Sunday, September 30, 2012

like a gypsy

So maybe I've mentioned this before but I wanna live in a trailer park like a gypsy. I would absolutely adore the commitment free life.
So jealous:

Oh and I wanna change the looks of my my blog. Won't do it before Tuesday though since "I'm studying" for a test.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Screw me!

So I was supposed to study all day today but I didn't. Screw me! Thinking of not going to the lectures on Monday and staying at my mother's place, studying. Ughhh...okay the nervous system is complicated but it's interesting and quite simple when it's neatly categorized but meh.... I'm so lazy.

And as for life in general... Well, been going to uni for about 3, 4 weeks now. Still get anxiety and all but I'm trying to cope. Spending the weekends at my mother's. Still no boyfriend but I'm actually very much in the mood for one. Yeah I made a pact in which I'm not sleeping with another man until he is my bf. For a while there I was pretty loose but I changed my mind. It's not fun shagging strangers anymore.

Glee Makeover review

I don't believe for a second that someone like Kurt could get that kinda job.

Chord is a great singer.

Hah! I knew it was Finn at the door!

Yeah, was kinda boring. Or maybe my head is fried from all the studying I've been doing. Uni is hard.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Finish please!

Rachel walks in on her husband Barry in bed with another woman

Rachel: My god! Barry!
Barry (jumps out of bed): You said you were gonna be away all weekend.
Rachel: Oh, that's right. I'm sorry, I'm early. Finish please!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Glee Britney 2.0 review

Well, I gotta say the Sasquatch, Chord and the bohemian's song was rather good.

Okay, this Marely girl is so boring.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

so many things I need and want

Gah, there are so many things I need and want. Like, material things.
A bell for my bike
A helmet
New pair of trousers/jeans
Sims 3 Seasons
And as of today, a bonsai tree

Hmh, that's not actually that much but... I even have the money but don't have the motivation to go out and get them, plus I also don't have the courage (anxiety blah blah blah).

Friday, September 14, 2012

Glee The New Rachel review

When I first heard the Call Me Maybe version I thought it was absolutely horrible but it sounded good on the show. I liked Heather's bit the most (probably cause she is the most autotuned singer out of them all). The "new" was it Wade? He sounds good aswell.

Okay the girl who sang with Rachel was kinda boring.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

establishing once again

So here I am freaking out trying to study for the test tomorrow when the workmen outside my window are having the most ridiculous conversation ever. They're like grown men and they talk about orange peel skin, gynecologist and smelling. Whatever, dudes, but thanks for establishing once again that men are idiots.

Oh and yesterday I had a bike collision with a little boy. He rode into me but luckily no one was hurt. I was so worried an angry mother would pop out out of nowhere and have a go at me.

Yeaaahhh...onto studying again!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I just can't exist!

Blub blub blub! Why oh why do I have this anxiety and nausea during classes!? Went to the doctor today and she said there's nothing she can do either. I wanna go to university, not deal with this stupid illness! If I cannot adjust to uni, then I sure cannot adjust to a new job. So what the fuck am I supposed to do!? I just can't exist! It's so hard to find anything positive in each day. I mean the seminar was fun today but I couldn't fully enjoy it cause of nausea. Well I bought ginger pills so hopefully they'll help me.

Monday, September 10, 2012

severely invading

Bollocks! Have major anxiety and it's severely invading my uni life.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

isn't that good of an idea

Waaahh, have anxiety about next week and how I'll get on in classes.
Maybe coming to mother's place at weekends isn't that good of an idea.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Oh please please

Yessss! I finished the first week of uni! And I didn't even take Valium in the only class we had today. Oh please please let it continue like this!

Plus it was my dead grandmother's birthday yesterday. Happy, bday granny!


Woot! I managed to sit through all of my classes today. The first one was hard and I thought I was gonna go home and forget about uni but I'm glad I didn't. Plus tonight we went out with the girls taking the course. Was fun and well... most girls seemed great. Not that anyone seemed not so great, I just didn't get the chance to talk to everybody. But it was super nice. I mean yeah I had to take Valium drops but meh. We went to a few pubs and one of them made me feel a bit weird so I came home. Have to take my pills and all. Ahhh... one class tomorrow and then I can spend the weekend at my mother's. Can't wait. Hopefully the class won't be a pain.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The One Where No One's Ready

Ughhh, been watchinng Friends and I still very much hate Rachel. In this episode she got mad at Ross cause he was yelling at and humiliating her. Well, that bitch deserved it. And then they made Ross apologise to that cunt!? Arghh, that stupid bitch, I loathe her!

Yeah and on a positive note, I managed to sit through one of the uni classes today. Woohoo. Had to take about 15 drops of Valium but who cares! Tomorrow I have another class and then on Thrusday I have classes from 8.15 til 6 o'clock. Ahhh, and then I'll have 2 classes on Friday and then I will go to my moter's place. I really hope I can sit though all of the classes and that my anxiety won't be a bitch to me. Fingers crossed.

Oh and I gained a follower! Hello there :)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

make or break

Gahhh, uni tomorrow. Well, it's... make or break now.

And totally unrelated, been listening to this: