Wednesday, November 14, 2012

a few one night stands

Okay, so I basically have a lad who's willing to be my boyfriend.
Ughhh..I dunno if it's right though. I mean the one guy I really fancy doesn't want me. The guy I have a chance with, I mean he's okay looking and all and we get on but I don't feel the kinda spark like I do with the other dude. Why can't I for once in my life, get what I want and who I want.
I don't give a shit that I slept with the fit guy, I want him for myself, like for regular shagging and cuddling and stuff.
We'll see how that goes.

Anyway, have a test on Friday. Ugh, the tests just keep getting harder and harder. I don't wanna do them anymore. I hope I get at least 5 points for the test. I'm making cheats tomorrow cause there's no way I'll be able to know the stuff by heart.

And then it's onto my mother's place! And my birthday!!!! Yay! :D Hopefully my dad's family can make it over to my mum's place.
Ahhh, cannot wait for the weekend.

Oh and I wanna shag someone. Think I'll have a few one night stands before deciding on the dude.

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