Saturday, November 03, 2012

So damn healthy!

Gahh! Men!
The mother's man was saying how doctors don't know anything and how he knows better. He was saying he had an old man as a doctor and how he was so sure of himself when diagnosing. And he was saying the doctor was an ass. Which was sort of ironic since he himself is old and so sure of himself.
We were talking about how my friend's baby has adenoids and she needs to have an operation done. And my mother's man started ranting about how the baby doesn't have adenoids and he was so right about it and that the doctor who diagnosed her was an ass.
Oh god! Yes I agree doctors are asses and don't know shit. But I believe doctors know more than the mother's man. After all, they studied the thing for 10 years.
Besides, the man hasn't even ever seen the baby. So how the hell does he know what she does have or not?!
I only said the baby is said to have adenoids and he started telling me how she doesn't. What a tool!

And I hate it how him and mother are trying to get me to drink alcohol. They say it works better than my medicine and that my doctor doesn't know anything. Yeah, I can see how healthy they are! He is sick with tuberculosis and she has bladder problems. So damn healthy!

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