Monday, January 07, 2013

Late Late show

Hahahaa..I just happened to see One Direction's interview on Late Late show and it reminded me of something.
I cannot remember how it was brought up but back when I lived in Ireland and was with my ex, he said the show was for old people. And the next day our landlord came over and said he had watched Late Late show the night before. I just looked at my bf and smiled. :D The landlord was an older man so I guess my ex was right. Yeah, it's not so funny now but when it happened it was really funny. Luckily I didn't say anything to embarrass my bf.
Yeah there have been times when I miss living in Newbridge and being independant. Hell, I'd be happy if I was here in Tartu and was independant but can't be cause of my illness, disability. *sigh*
Oh and this day has been hazy. Taken three painkillers to manage my headache. I've never ever had a headache before so it's really bizarre.
Oh and I'm still very much dreading shopping for food. I'd cook myself but that means I have to shop for groceries and it takes time. I just go in and buy ready meals cause it's quicker. If I stay in a shop for too long I get anxiety. And I have to go to the shop tomorrow to buy food. Waah!

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