Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dispatcher position

Gah, tomorrow's my test day at this taxi company. Dispatcher position. My anxiety has been really bad so I'm worried. I can't even go to the shop my anxiety is that bad. Ahhh... body, come on, work with me now!
It seems a pretty laid back job. Just have to answer the phone calls and give the taxi drivers directions. Well, the bad thing is, I don't really know my hometown. I mean they have papers to help me and all but I'm still nervous I get some kinda place that I don't know and then I don't know which taxi driver to turn to.
I hope I'll be good enough and learn quickly so I can get the job. It's not too far from home. Although it has a 12 hour shift on the minimum wage. I cannot wait to have the night shift! I hope I can bring my own laptop and spend the whole night on the internet... Mwuahahahaaa! :D

Oh and my internet connection has been painfully slow. I haven't even seen the latest Glee episode.

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