Saturday, March 23, 2013

some random homosexual parade doesn't do anymore harm than a world full of heterosex

So there's this gay marriage hullabaloo going on in my country.
My thoughts? ...Ehh... I don't even know. When I want to I can be very passionate about gay things. But for some reason I'm not at this moment. Probably because I think marriage is stupid even between heterosexuals. Seriously, why would anyone wanna get married? What good has your country done to you that you feel you have to "prove" to the country that you can make babies, "love" and be able to pay a mortgage!? It seems extremely old fashioned, narrow minded and stupid to me.
Hmm... I just got a feeling I have blogged about it before.
Anyways, let's say I support marriage. Well, then I don't care who gets married. Actually now that I think of it, I'll support (gay) marriage when they legalize trial marriage like in Wicca. That can be between a man and a woman so I don't see a reason why it cannot be legit.

Oh and it bothers me when people say gay people shouldn't have parades and shit. Oh dear lordess! How much heterosexual shit is there in everyone's life!? The world is so overly (hetero) sexual it's disgusting! The media is all about (hetero) sex. So some random homosexual parade doesn't do anymore harm than a world full of heterosex.
My two cents on the subject.

edit: I also don't understand it when people say homosexuals shouldn't be able to adopt children cause they would get picked on. I doubt it would be the homosexual parents picking on their child, it would be the intolerant people and their children doing it.

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