Tuesday, March 05, 2013

This and that

Went to the neurologist today. With my headaches. She said there's nothing she can do cause my pains aren't brain related, they're nerve aches. She prescribed some pills for me. Two kinds. One's the kind that supposedly works for anxiety aswell. I already talked to me psychiatrist about it aswell and she gave me a go. The pills are a bit pricey though, approximately 20 euros. The prescriptions last 60 days so I still have time. Maybe next month.
Oh and I didn't get the dispatcher job. They said they reserved me. It just means when one of the new ones isn't good enough they'll call me. But I won't be waiting for their call, I'm already looking for a new job. I applied for a janitor position, or cleaning service position or whatever fancy name they have. Just to get some extra money quickly.
And! I had McDonald's for breakfast today. Chicken sandwhich. Was yummy. Plus fries and BBQ dip. Yummy! Maybe I'll go and waste some more money on fast food tomorrow. It's just so good.

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