Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I got a bollocking today at work. It was cause I go on breaks at random times. It wasn't even the big boss complaining, it was a woman on a lower position. She said the big boss doesn't like it that I go on breaks when I feel like it. Which is kinda weird cause I talked to the big boss and he said it was okay. I told him I can't eat when there are other people in the room. So he said it was okay if I go on a break when others are finished eating. Plus the woman herself told me about a week ago it was okay that I took breaks at random times and now she was giving out to me... what the !?
Okay, it's all very confsuing but at least I get to go on breaks when I want to or have the need to.
Here are more pics from my work:
This is what I've been doing for almost two weeks now: get the green gunk out of the pot then put mulch in it. It's a nice quiet job but it does get a bit boring at times.

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