Thursday, February 27, 2014

half confident

I felt half confident today and it made me happy. I haven't been to the big shop, Rimi, across the road from my house in about 7 months. I had Ilme buy me food cause I got really bad anxiety when in shop cause it's too big. Big open spaces scare me. Anyway, today I went to Rimi all by myself. I only bought an ice tea so I was in and out real quick but still. It gave me such confidence and happiness. :)

Oh and I don't think I started my periods again, it's just heavy spotting. Weird anyway... to be a woman!

Ughh...and I hate it how it's gone all warm out and all sorts of insects are flying about. Have this annoying fly flying around the lamp in my room, which happens to be right behind my head.

Oh and this dude who half raped me a couple of years ago or so wanted to hang out and have sex with me again. Never!

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