Friday, March 07, 2014

No one can ever have a great day

No one can ever have a great day.
Had the most fun day with my mother. the morning I went to sign the contract for the arboretum, then had the fun with mother.
Went to the shop with her, got anxiety and had to turn around and come home alone.
Then when she got home he was fuming. For one, my brother had been bullying someone in school and I got an email saying the arboretum doesn't wanna have me cause they were not satisfied with the work I did two years ago. What tools! Why didn't they tell me that when I was working there, I could have improved myself.
Ughhhh... now the mother's sleeping. And I have a feeling she will be giving me some sort of an ultimatum when she wakes up.
Rang the arboretum I worked at last year and they're not looking for anyone at the moment. Ughh ugghhh.

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