Saturday, May 17, 2014

get a kick out of

Oh god. I haven't been this tired in ages. I pretty much started mowing the lawn as soon as I got my mother's place. My legs were all sore and shit and I got anxiety from being too tired. Had to take Valium drops. More lawn I wake up in the morning.
Will go to bed now and watch a film before I fall asleep.
And I'll try to get my mother to buy me a book off the net tomorrow. I want James Franco's Directing Herbert White. Hopefully she agrees. I really want to read James' work. I've downloaded a bunch of his films but I haven't been bothered to watch them. I've also downloaded other films but I've been too lazy to watch those aswell. I just get a kick out of downloading them. Plus the other day I got a message from my internet provider saying I get 60 GBs this month for the price of 30 GBs. I will never use it up unless I download films.

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