Sunday, May 04, 2014

I owe people money

Okay, as guessed in my previous post, today was the day of the first lawn mowing. Gosh, we worked so much this weekend. Next one we'll be celebrating Lembit's birthday so we won't be working. Yay! I'm so there! Good food, relaxing and a cherry beer just for me!
And I just remembered I owe people money:
Ailen - 10 euros
Evelin - 20 euros
Lembit - 25 euros
Taavet - 500 euros
Blahhh! I really need a job to start paying off those loans. Plus I really need other stuff:
a new laptop
new underwear (if I get enough money I'll buy nice lingerie sets)
the Tiv Me set (I broke Lembit's)
more/better food
get my teeth fixed (if I'm super rich I might get braces)
The Sims 4 (okay I might download it illegally)

Yeah, that's about it. I don't have a lot of stuff I need

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