Saturday, May 31, 2014

such determination and drive

What the...? My body seems to think it's better than it really is. Like I know I couldn't even do an easy peasy janitor's job and for some time now I've been having dreams that I'm a boss of a shop. I keep having dreams about opening a second hand clothes shop. And in my dream I feel such determination and drive.
Oh and last night I dreamed I was Ellie Goulding and had a sister in the form of Isla Fisher. Yeah my sister wasn't too keen on me opening the shop, we had a fight. Weird ass shit.

Oh the interview on friday went well... as in I didn't get anxiety. But I'm pretty sure I won't get the job. My anxiety talk puts everyone off. :D
Yeah and I came to my mother's place, eventhough I didn't plan to....I came here in such a rush I left my pills behind. Hopefully I won't go crazy over the weekend.

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