Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I dunno what to eat or drink

Oh my god I'm so tired! I didn't get to sleep enough last night. So because of that I had a sort of a headache for half day. Took a painkiller. Worked.
Then I've felt nauseous for about 5 days. Took pills for that aswell, didn't really work. I think I have IBS. I mean... I must have it. It just feels super weird, like my insides just enlarge and my belly is about to burst. I dunno what set it off though. Yeah I dunno what to eat or drink to settle my tum.

Yeah...and as I stated I'm super tired. We stacked logs with mother all day, then I trimmed the hedge. My feet/legs are killing me. Might go to sleep earlier tonight. Or maybe I'll go and sleep in my brother's tent. He's going to his friends house tonight so....yeah.

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