Thursday, June 19, 2014

I know I'm fat fuck

Oh yesssss! Just got off the phone with my mum. She said she bought a block of cherry beer. Yummmmm! I wanna go there right now! There's two types of cherry beer and they're both so yummy. I hope it won't make me feel sick. I drank cider a while ago and it made me tipsy and sickly. Ughh...
Yeah... this year it's gonna be good St John's Eve. Apparently the family isn't going anywhere cause of the rainy weather so I won't be alone again.
Oh and here's another pic of my mug, think it's from 2013:
I know I'm  fat fuck. ;)
Or maybe not so much anymore. I've lost about 5 kilos. Weigh about 71 kilos at the moment.

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