Saturday, June 21, 2014

hopefully it'll bring relief

Oh my god! What is this stupid nausea that I have!? It's so annoying. I cannot be in any position, it all makes me feel super sick. :s I've been taking Cerucal and it doesn't really help. Ughhhhhhh!!!!!
The good thing is, I had a great laugh with my mother today. She's always messing up words and it's so funny. :)
Plus when I got to Melliste today, I got to mow the lawn I didn't get to do on Monday. Was super stoked cause of that. :)
Yehh, there's good stuff happening but it's hard to enjoy it with this nausea. I didn't tell my mother I felt sick but she was like "why are you so fidgety?". She dfinitely noticed I was different. I'll take a bigger dose of Olansapin today, hopefully it'll bring relief.
Oh another bad thing internet sort of stops respondng after a while and the browser doesn't open or load pages. Ugh, I hope it's cause I'm in the country not because of my crappy latop or internet provider.

Yeah and I can upload pics to my blog again. Yay! Here's one I took tonight.

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