Wednesday, June 04, 2014

I'm procrastinating

Ughh...I feel so guilty today. Feel like I'm procrastinating. Probably cause the weather is so nice out and I'm inside doing nothing. If I was at my mother's I could be outside working. Whenever I'm in town, I'm always inside. I have nowhere to go in Tartu. Sometimes I go on a little bike ride but that's over before you know it.

And I still don't have a job.

Also, I feel a bit guilty cause of men. I've agreed to meet with some of them but I haven't. I just don't wanna take Valium when it's not necessary. And taking it for a quick shag is not necessary. So I haven't had men over. I wouldn't mind shagging but I've told some of the men I'm after a relationship and I wish I hadn't told them that. I'm really not after one. I want a very simple Walk-into-my-room-Take-your-pants-off-Oh-great-you're-hard-I-hop-on-I-hop-off-Bye! type of thing. And the men I have now are all of the ones I've been with before which is also off putting. I feel like they're becoming my ball and chain. Ughhhh!

Yeah...I guess I'll just play the Sims then.

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