Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I got in from a bike ride about 20 mins ago. Yeah... my anxiety suck so much!!!
I went to ride in the rich part of town with the nice houses and it reminded me how I can't get a job cause of my health. Like, I will never ever live in a beautiful house like that cause I just cannot afford it. I'll probably stay in a rented appartment for the rest of my life.
Yeah and I keep pushing men away cause cause of my anxiety I cannot be in a relathionship. Anything that requires commitment and responsibility gives me major anxiety.
And then I rode past the Tamme stadium where people, mostly men, were playing basketball, football, volleyball and were just having a good time. And that reminded me of how I cannot enjoy myself cause of the anxiety. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I wish I was a man with ball playing skills. If I cannot have that then I wish I didn't have anxiety. Looks like both are undoable.

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