Sunday, July 20, 2014

weird water whistle

Me and mum were cleaning out the sheds today. I found this weird water whistle. Didn't throw it away since I thought my brother, Lauri, would have fun with it. Yeah I shouldn't have given him the damn thing. He's blowing it nonstop now and it's majorly annoying.
Ahh, this weekend has been pretty tame. Cleaned the house yesterday and today, the sheds. Mother and Lembit went to see Smokie on friday and yesterday they went to Jaan's (Lembit's sister's man) birthday party.
Yeah I was trying to play a hidden object game and watch a film with Lauri but he was his old arrogant self so you cannot reason or communicate with him at all. I hope it's just puberty or a phase so he'll grow out of/get over it.
And I took a selfie yesterday, here it is:

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