Saturday, August 02, 2014

a moving car

Oh my! God! I was just in a moving car. Granted, only for a few seconds but still. Mother and Lembit went to his friend's place and I sat in the car with them for the time they left our yard and went onto the "big" road. Oh man, I didn't get anxiety and it made me feel so happy. I felt like I wanna go on a looong roadtrip but I know I couldn't handle it. Ah man....I sat in a moving car! I haven't done that in years!
I know it might sound lame to healthy people but yeah... it was amazing! I felt like I really missed travelling by car.

Yeah and I wriggled my way out of weeding by hand. Have to hoe weeds now. It's a little better anyway.

And my brother went to the shop, by foot, not on my bike. And he said he would buy me either blue cheese or crisps. Mmm...I hope he does.

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