Friday, August 08, 2014

love, care and respect reasons

Okay, as I've said before, I'm in the middle of watching Friends. Yeah I'm waaay past the episode I wanna talk about but whatever I'll talk about it anyway. Don't remember what the episode was called but it was "the one" where Monica and Chandler were in a relationship and had a fight. Chandler thought it was the end of the relationship and Monica said it was just a fight and "welcome to a grown-up relationship" or something along those lines. Yeah, that's a load of bullshit. I say, the relationships you fight in are anything but grown-up. In a mature relationship you can handle misunderstandings and dissensions without a fight. And if you "fight" with your partner, then why the hell are yous still together!? I hate the sayings "fight for love" or "work on a relationship". It's aaaaalllll bullshit! It's a clear sign you're not supposed to be with the person you're with. Fights do not belong in a healthy relationship. Fights do not happen in a healthy relationship. And a relationship is definitely not something you "work on". If it doesn't come naturally, you're with a wrong person, there's nothing to fix. I know I've only had one boyfriend but as I said in my sex post I'd rather be single than be in a wrong relationship. Me and my ex never had fights. We were both normal mature people. I'd never be in a relationship with a person I didn't get along with. And if you love a person you respect them and wouldn't do anything to hurt them. So any kind of fight is just out of the question, for love, care and respect reasons.


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