Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Nothing interesting has happened

Okay, I'm a little nervous. I won't be going to mother's place this weekend. That part is fine I guess. But she asked me to help her out at her store on Saturday. That part I'm worried about. I wouldn't mind helping out but I get bad anxiety in the store.
Yeah, life has been sort of okay. I've been feeling a little crappy when it comes to eating but I've rearranged my pills so I should be good now. On last Friday when I was at my mother's I discovered I had left one pill behind so on Saturday I biked to town and back. Wow, I was so tired. :D
Yeah that's about it. Nothing interesting has happened.
Been worried about my mother. She has high blood pressure, low hemoglobin and thick blood. Sheõs been feeling like crap. Worries me. Think she'll know the reason behind the high blood pressure next Tuesday.

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