Friday, September 26, 2014

I have a thing going on

Okay. I feel like ranting about stuff one more time.
So apparently the reason why I cannot be in a relationship with A, is cause I'm fat.
I'm just so confused. Firstly, on my dating website profile I have pics of my body so he knew very well what he was getting himself into. I also had stated that I had a bigger body.
So the confusing part.... he says I'm nice and cute and what not and we had a very lovely evening together. An then he goes on to say his friends would not approve of me. Ugh... I just don't get it why anyone else's but his own opinion should matter!? Maybe it's some male status thing, I don't know. When I like a guy, I like him no matter what anyone else thinks. I've never in my life thought of anyone else's opinion but my own. So I don't get it. Plus, okay I know I'm not the most attractive person in the world, but I'm not morbidly obese or anything extreme.
Ugh, I just don't get it.

Anyway, I have a thing going on with Roland now. He said he didn't kinda wanna be a back up plan. And I kinda told him he wasn't but I flat out lied. I just really click with Aksel, what can I say.

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