Thursday, September 25, 2014


I'm torn.
The thing is, Aksel doesn't want me cause I'm crazy and ugly. Can't say I'm surprised but I still wanna hang out with him and do shit. On the other hand, not that I'm hurt, I wanna tell him where to go cause he's not accepting me for me. But then again, he not supposed to.
I've covered the crazy bit but last night he said he can't bring me to his posse cause I'm not sexy (like his other sex goddess like ex's) cause he's afraid of the judgement. I find the thing so childish and not cause I'm biased. It's just such kindergarten stuff.
It's just blahh...

Maybe it was meant to be that when we first met I felt super sick. Maybe it was a sign I should never have met up with him? And then the only one good time we had together was all the good I could squeeze out of our situation?

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