Saturday, September 27, 2014

very very apathetic

Ugh, what a waste of a day. We were supposed to paint our little garden cottage with Lembit today so I got up early. He was gone.
He had set up the water tubes (we don't have plumbing here at mother's) for the washing machine. So I went to wash clothes. Yeah the instructions my mother left me didn't work. I couldn't turn on the machine. So no clothes washing.
Then I thought I'd rake the leaves. There was a storm outside during the night and there were a buttload of leaves all over the place. But I couldn't rake cause the wind was too high.
Yeah, then I rang Lembit (he's an electrician and was called out cause of the storm damage) and was hoping he'd come back soon. But I'm still waiting. I thought maybe he could get the washing machine working but it's too late now. It would have been a perfect day to dry clothes outside what with the wind and all.
Ugh I just feel so blahhh about everything.

Had a long talk about relationshipy stuff with Aksel last night. Think I've calmed down about our situation. Today I feel absolutely nothing. Talked to Roland today aswell. Yeah, he talks too little. We cannot get to know each other if he replies with one word to every question I ask. Anyway, I'm very very apathetic when it comes to men today. I just couldn't care less.

I'm hoping now to get dinner right. Will peel the potatoes soon and fry the beef. Or pork. Don't even know.

Oh and I rang mother at 3:30 am. She texted me saying she was in Beijing and everything is fine.

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