Sunday, November 09, 2014

knock me down and trample all over me

Ugh, I'm torn.
So I had the test day at the farm. The baby cows were cute. Three were born on the day I worked. I think I could handle the feeding the calves. The thing I'd have problems with are cows and milking. I'm scared of cows... I just think they'll knock me down and trample all over me. But this is not why I don't want the job. I'm just terrified of responsibility. If I fail at the job it is not just a personal failure, the poor cows and calves suffer cause of me and I cannot let that happen. Plus I'd feel a little bad about the bosses who hire me. Yeah, I already called them and said I didn't want the position. I actually hope they'll ring me and ask me to try again. As I said, I'm torn, dunno what to do about the position. If they do ring me it'll be a sure sign that I'm supposed to work there.

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