Tuesday, December 30, 2014

leave our household ASAP

Ugh, my mother had it and now my brother has it, stomach flu. I so hope I won't catch it. The damn things should leave our household ASAP.

Friday, December 26, 2014

I won't be alone

Yay! Dad's family came to visit us today. Has been a good holiday. And it looks like I won't be alone this New Year's Eve either so... yay to that aswell.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

I feel like shit. Emotionally.

Ugh. I feel like shit. Emotionally.
So apparently A has a girlfriend now. And my guy R is the most uncommunicative person ever. It's so hard to talk to him. He can't even look me in the eye.

Friday, December 19, 2014

they're grand

Hahaha, it's so funny to see stupid americans act like sad little bitches. You lost, you're the terrorists (who bombs their own country and blames it on others - 9/11) - deal with it like grown ups. I'm not saying any bad words about the normal americans, they're grand.
And... I was really hoping they wouldn't kill Kim in the film but they do. Disappointed with James participating in the project, seeing as he doesn't want racist people on his IG page.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

blinded by their mindless "patriotism"

Well, The Interview was cancelled. Can't say I'm surprised. Like... when America does a movie about killing another country's leader it's all fun and games and freedom of speech or artistic vision or whatever... but when North Korea or Russia or anyone else would do a film about killing Obama americans would be so butthurt and blame them of terrorism. Thank god there are americans out there who see the situation for what it is and are not blinded by their mindless "patriotism".

Stupid old frigid hag!

Ugh...more Ilme bashing. Had a guy over, had sex. And why the fuck do I have to justify and explain that to her!? She just sticks her damn nose into places it doesn't belong. Ugh, if I had the money to find a new place I'd move and tell her where to go. Stupid old frigid hag! Why does she get so pissed off over me having sex!??!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

witches and shit

Oh my god, Ilme is so pathetic with her witches and shit. Like she was a fan of this witch show where people who call themselves witches or something have to solve problems with their "extreasensory minds" or whatever. And now there's this show about some Vangha or someone like that, some old woman who foretold all the big happenings in the past. Oh my god! I'm not saying people like that don't exist but Ilme believes all this stuff so credulously. I tell her it's all a show for TV, for entertainment value and to get money and she gets sooooo pissed off. She doesn't believe anyone would go on TV to lie. Oh my god, how gullbile of her. And she's 71! Like what!? She told me I'm missing something in my head when I don't believe in it. Think she's the one who's senile. For real like.
On the witch show there was this episode where a witch and some person were on the phone and the witch had to guess who was on the other end and describe the person and shit. And Ilme totally believed it. Like, she didn't care that the "witch" could have been told beforehand what the room or person was like, the witch might've been in the room himself and talked to the person who he was gonna be on the phone with. Like Ilme didn't seem to understand that there were cameras which could have been turned off to give the witch some information. Like she totally dismissied the chance of a collusion. I don't understand how someone that old can be so stupid and gullible.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

He looks so cute

Took this pic of Jossu recently. Thought I'd save it on my blog. He looks so cute.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

it feels so good!

I'm back in town and it feels so good! I can stay up as late as I like and sleep as long as I want. Great!


Monday, December 08, 2014

a needle, a knife and pliers

Phew, looks like I'm not expecting. Took a test and it was negative. But still, where the hell are my periods!?

My jacket's zipper broke. I went into the doctor's office and asked a man waiting there to help me unzip my jacket. He used a needle, a knife and pliers to open it. Eventually he just ripped it apart. I needed to get my jacket off to show my chest to the doctor. I've had this weird pain in the right side of my chest. Apparently it's nerve inflammation. When I get the ache I have to take 1000mg of Paracetamol.

Yeah and I'm staying at my mother's til Thursday cause my dad might come and visit us on Wednesday.

tell him anyway and demand alimony

Okay I'm back to weighing under 75kg. But! I still don't have my period. Will be going to the pharmacy tomorrow for my crazy pills. Will also buy a pregnancy test. Fuck! If I am pregnant I will want to tell my mother. Knowing her she will demand me to have an abortion. Ughhhhh!!!! Abortion is out of the question for me cause I'm extremely scared of pregnancy and giving birth. If I fell pregnant it's meant to be and I will have the baby. Even when the father is nowhere to be seen. I'll tell him anyway and demand alimony.
I hope the period is just late.

Sunday, December 07, 2014

so much weight so quickly

Okay where are my periods? I might be pregnant but don't think I am. I don't feel any different. Mother has told me that when she was pregnant with me she could tell when she was two weeks in. My unprotcted time was over a month ago. Yes I had periods after that but they were quite light.
I'm thinking the delay is caused by my weight gain. On saturday last week I weighed about 73kg and on sunday last week I weighed about 78kg. I have no idea how I gained so much weight so quickly but it's still all there. Ugh, I'm starting to worry about my looks.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

spell it out

Jill: There are times I wish that he were more in touch with my feelings. It's like I have to spell everything out for him.
Couple's therapy conductor: Could you give us an example?
Tim: See? You gotta spell it out for him too!