Tuesday, December 16, 2014

witches and shit

Oh my god, Ilme is so pathetic with her witches and shit. Like she was a fan of this witch show where people who call themselves witches or something have to solve problems with their "extreasensory minds" or whatever. And now there's this show about some Vangha or someone like that, some old woman who foretold all the big happenings in the past. Oh my god! I'm not saying people like that don't exist but Ilme believes all this stuff so credulously. I tell her it's all a show for TV, for entertainment value and to get money and she gets sooooo pissed off. She doesn't believe anyone would go on TV to lie. Oh my god, how gullbile of her. And she's 71! Like what!? She told me I'm missing something in my head when I don't believe in it. Think she's the one who's senile. For real like.
On the witch show there was this episode where a witch and some person were on the phone and the witch had to guess who was on the other end and describe the person and shit. And Ilme totally believed it. Like, she didn't care that the "witch" could have been told beforehand what the room or person was like, the witch might've been in the room himself and talked to the person who he was gonna be on the phone with. Like Ilme didn't seem to understand that there were cameras which could have been turned off to give the witch some information. Like she totally dismissied the chance of a collusion. I don't understand how someone that old can be so stupid and gullible.

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