Saturday, August 22, 2015

Now I want smoothies all the time

So for about a week I've been yammering about red nail polish to my mother. Today when I didn't tell her about it she finally bought me one:

It's not the exact tone I wanted but it's better than nothing. I wanted full coverage but it's sort of see through. I'm very grateful for it though. :)

Anyway, yesterday we had a great bbq evening. Mother and embit were like, "what a glorious evening". And call me cynical or a party pooper but I was like, "don't gloat just yet, the evening isn't over". And sure enough things turned to shit. They had a fight. Luckily I wasn't there when it happened but I could feel the tension later. Ugh. Anyway, things should be back to normal by now.

Then I've been talking to mum about smoothies and blenders. I told her she can buy me a blender for my b-day. Like...a few weeks back I went to visit Helgi, a woman who lives two stories beneath us in town, for some reason and she was making a smoothie at the time and she let me taste it. It tasted heavenly. Now I want smoothies all the time.


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