Monday, August 24, 2015

How it happened and what to learn from it

So I dunno what life lessons to learn from today. Shit happened.
Our neighbour's cat got into pantry today, got stuck in there, eat our chargrilled meat and broke the blender.
How it happened and what to learn from it:
*I left the front door open cause my mother's always saying how it smells inside and insists on keeping the door open. Lesson? I did what I was told, like what the fuck!?
*Went to the shop and bought crisps and chocolate. Came home and shared my shit with the brother. He had gone to the pantry to get canned fish and left the pantry door open. That's how the cat got in there. Lesson? No good deed goes unpunished cause I was the one who got the bollocking from the mother.
*I was the one who closed the pantry door after the brother had left it open. Lesson? Trust your gut. I knew I sould check the pantry for cats when I closed the door but I didn't.
*The blender broke. The cat was creeping around the shelves and knocked the bender off the shelf, it broke. Lesson? I had gone on and on about smoothies to my mother for ages. And now I can't get any cause the damn blender broke. Was it a lesson for my mother or for me? I don't get it. Am I not allowed to drink smoothies? Was it a reminder for my mum to buy smoothie ingridients?

Ughhhhhh, I'm always keeping doors closed from now on. If mother wants them open she has to open them herself!

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