Sunday, August 30, 2015


So I was listening to Cher Lloyd's Want You Back and I was reminded of this incident that happened when I still lived in Ireland.
So I was working in McDonald's. On drive-through. There was this guy who was always driving and had his friends beside him and at the back of the car. The driver dude asked for my phone number quite a few times. But everytime he did his friends would laugh like hyenas so I thought he was just joking and taking the piss, so I ignored him.
And then one time he drives up to the drive-through window where I'm at. This time he was in the car with a girl next to him. He had this victorious look on his face and said something like, "Look, I've got a girl with me. Remember how I asked for your number?". I did but I didn't wanna get into this whole business so I lied and said, "I have so many customers during the day everyday so I don't really remember you". He said, "Well yeah, will you give me your number now?". I dunno what the situation was with him and the girl but like... I said, "You've already got a girl in your car. Why do you need my number for?". And then he drove off...
Like what if he was on a date with the girl. How embarrassing for her when he asked for my number. Like if you seriously want my number then don't have your monkey friends laugh at the whole thing. How was I supposed to know he was serious!?

And then there was this asshole. On drive-through again. He asked for my number. I said no. He said, "I didn't want it anyway!". And I was like, "Well, why'd you ask for it then!?"

Men are weird!

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