Friday, July 29, 2016

do not make me go to the woods

Ah! I cannot wait to get to mum's house today. I hope work goes well aswell.
The only downer is, we probably gotta go to the forest again. Last weekend we worked in the forest and it was horrible. Like I can weed and mow the lawn but please, do not make me go to the woods. There's ticks and other insects there who bite you. Ugh.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

bossy and annoying

I wanna move so bad! Ugh I cannot stant living with Ilme anymore. She's so bossy and annoying. I've had enough.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

cause... anxiety

Ahh, what a great day!
Mum rang me non stop in the morning when I was still sleeping cause her ATM card was on me. So I finally answered the phone and we said to meet up. We did, outside my house. Went to the grocery store with her and Lauri. Got some yummy stuff. Well, just food. Then we talked about eating at my place but I said my room was a mess so they decided to go into town.
I went home.
As soon as I got in, I thought of going back out. My backpack package had arrived at this new shopping center so I thought I'd look for the post office in it with mum cause... anxiety.
So I rode my bike up to them. Went to pick up my bag. It's super cute. Haven't checked if my laptop fits into it yet.
Then, I hadn't eaten breakfast and mum and brother were hungry, they went to look for a place to eat. I just tagged along cause I can't eat outside anyway cause... anxiety.
Anyway, we found this crappy fast food place, no one was too thrilled except my brother a little cause he wanted french fries and he got them but didn't finish them. And then! I fucking went and ordered food for myself aswell. AND I FUCKING ATE OUTSIDE OF HOME!!! I haven't done this shit in YEARS! I didn't feel too much anxiety. I mean I was aware of the food going down my oesophagus and I made note of everything in my stomach but still. I did it and I didn't feel like up chucking at all. Mum said I'm almost like a normal person.
Then Lauri went to see some girl who lives in Tartu. Some Russian chick.
Me and mum went shopping. I got two dresses for 3 euros. It was 1.50-an-item day in Humana.
And then we went to the open market. I got cherries.
Then I got home.
Work went super well aswell.

The only downer is... since I'm fat and all and the weather is super hot and humid my thighs rub up against each other and it's all red and sore. How do the fatties live in the summer. I must get my tihgh gap back for next summer. I don't want this uncomfortability next year.
But yeah...a good day!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

I'll just disappear one day all of a sudden

Omg, yesterday was such a cute day. Came to mum's place. Mum and Lembit rode their bikes to meet me half way. Super cute. I didn't even reckognise them first cause I wasn't expecting it.
I'm sort of looking for a new place cause I gotta have men over. And I'm tired of doing shit for Ilme and have her boss and control me. I'm not even gonna warn her, I'll just disappear one day all of a sudden.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

someone to love and care for

Okay, since I'm a choosy ass bitch and can't find a boyfriend I decided to get a pet. I want a hamster or a guinea pig. Will try to ring up some places tomorrow for prices. I just need someone to love and care for.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

small nose

Ha! Mum made me laugh out loud today. She said I have a small nose!!!! I laughed. It's the first time someone has said anything like it. My nose is fucking huge okay!? And I'm okay with it. I just told her my face has got fat that's why my nose doesn't seem as big as before. Oh dear...

Friday, July 15, 2016

Where's my money!?

Shit! It's the 15th which means it's my payday. Where's my money!? I've waited so long to find out how much I'll get paid and now I don't even get paid at all.

Yeah and I bought lottery. I better win this shit.

Anyway, yes it's friday!!! I get to go to mum's house again. Hopefully it won't rain.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

young dicks

Ugh I wish I had it in me to get fit. Just read an article of how this overweight dude got in shape within a short amount of time. Like, motivation, where the fuck are you!? I wish it would hit me in the feels when someone commented on my weight. I just don't give a single, tiniest fuck about what anyone thinks. Even my own opinion isn't strong enough of a factor. Maybe cause I don't think I'm that fat yet. Ugh, I could do like sit ups. Like hundreds of them and go jogging, even around the house but....yeaaaaahhh, I'm too lazy. Again, not being depressed about my weight. Just annoyed. And only thinking about it cause I saw the article.

Yeah and I've been into Matthew Santoro these past couple of days. I hope he doesn't take over my Michael Clifford obsession. I like fancying young dicks.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

virgin d

So I thought I'd go to town and sit quietly in the town centre for a while, people watching. Yeah I didn't know the Hansapäevad fair was in session. Man there were so many people. I survived. I mean I was there for a little time only but still.

And I'm chatting to this one virgin guy. Ahhhh, I so wanna ride that virgin d.

And now I want a Mcdonalds' quater pounder.

Sunday, July 03, 2016

the most attention I've got

So our lawn mower broke. I'm sorta happy about it. Don't have to sweat anymore. Lembit found this ancient mower though. I hope I don't have to use it. It's electrical, with a cord and everything. Boo!

Oh and I lost a follower on here. :D It's the most attention I've got in a couple of years I think.


Saturday, July 02, 2016

Good news

Oh man! I don't think I've ever sweated this much. Been lawn mowing in this crazy summer weather.

Good news is I ordered a bag off net: Click to check it out
I wanted the beige one at first but thought the purple one is more fun so I ordered that one. Hopefully I can fit my laptop in it.

Oh and other good news, I might buy a new laptop. Yay! :D