Thursday, July 14, 2016

young dicks

Ugh I wish I had it in me to get fit. Just read an article of how this overweight dude got in shape within a short amount of time. Like, motivation, where the fuck are you!? I wish it would hit me in the feels when someone commented on my weight. I just don't give a single, tiniest fuck about what anyone thinks. Even my own opinion isn't strong enough of a factor. Maybe cause I don't think I'm that fat yet. Ugh, I could do like sit ups. Like hundreds of them and go jogging, even around the house but....yeaaaaahhh, I'm too lazy. Again, not being depressed about my weight. Just annoyed. And only thinking about it cause I saw the article.

Yeah and I've been into Matthew Santoro these past couple of days. I hope he doesn't take over my Michael Clifford obsession. I like fancying young dicks.

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