Thursday, August 04, 2016

all Ireland-y

So living in Ireland was all fine and dandy, except the health care system. And now it looks like my shrink stuff is becoming all Ireland-y. The communication and consideration sucks BIG TIME! Plus they're scamming me to get me pay loads of money for nothing. I fucking HATE it.
Will have to go and see the doc on the 10th to get my benefits sorted. Ugh thank god I don't have to go there more often. Like today I got a call from there and they were like "yeah the consultation is 50 euros". Like, bitch no! I've gone to my shrink for YEARS. I know how much it is. And it definitely ISN'T 50 euros. It's five! And then they just HAD to remind me that I have to pay 20 euros for the time I CANCELLED my appointment. Like fuck on. I'm not paying for it. I don't give a shit.


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