Saturday, August 06, 2016

it's something I can do

So I went to see Finding Dory today. I survived! Things didn't go that smoothly though. My brother's a proper chowderhead.
Like for about a week I've been telling him the film was shown in Ekraan cinema. I told him so many times that let's meet at 12 outside the cinema cause the film starts at 12:15.
So today, when I was already watching the film my brother rings me and asks what time the film starts (the film had been on for almost half an hour already). I asked him where he was and he said Tasku (where the cinema Cinamon is at). Like fuck! How the hell did he forget the place and time!? I had been going on about to him for days.
Anyway, he and his gf showed up and we watched the film.

Man I didn't get anxiety at all. I mean I took Diazepam drops but still. I really wanna go see something at the cinema again! Too bad it's so expensive. But at least now I know it's something I can do.

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