Tuesday, September 06, 2016

a cool and cute story

So a few days ago I uploaded a mug pic on this dating website and this guy wrote to me, saying I was "that girl from the car shop". I asked him who he was and was all panicking thinking he was a worker in the shop I work at cause... I have all my naked pics up there and shit. He then said he had been trying to find me on one of those websites. He said that a couple of months ago or so I had almost run into him with my bike near the car shop I work at and had smiled at him. Okay, sounds plausible, eventhough I don't remember it.
He sent me a pic of him. Apparently. Like it would have been such a cool and cute story how I almost organically met a guy but he turned out to be a perv so I'm not talking to him anymore.


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