Saturday, December 17, 2016

A good day

So today I had to clean up the aftermath of the party. Thought it was gonna be awful. Yeah the catering people came early in the morning and took their chairs and tables away, said the music tech would come by in an hour to pack up the music equipment. Yeah, three hours passed and no one had come by and I was getting pissed. I was thinking I wasn’t gonna wait around for the guy to come cause I don’t wanna waste my saturday hanging around my workplace doing fuck all (I would have had to wait cause I had the chip and knew to security code to get into the building). Yeah and then finally, the dude came. And it wasn’t just any dude. It was a dude (Ilmar Madison) from one of my fave bands!! Shit, I love my job!!!! :D Had a very brief chat with him. A good day.

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