Saturday, December 10, 2016

an organic crush

I think I'm developing an organic crush on this guy at work. He's short, dark haired. I noticed him when he started saying hello to me. Like, he doesn't seem to say hello in a nice way, just in a polite way but yeah...I noticed him. I say hello back and check him out. He doesn't check me out. I'm just glad I like someone other than a celebrity.
The bad thing is, I work in the shop part of the place, where they sell cars, he works in the garage part of the place where they fix cars. And I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend ( luck!) and even if he doesn't he most probably wouldn't be interested in me.
I'm just happy seeing his cute face around a few times during the week. I wanna ask my co-worker, who cleans the garage part, for his name. She probably knows since she's been there for about three years. Although I only started noticing the guy like a couple of weeks ago. Maybe he's new?

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